AFC Team Formation (2024)
U13-U19 Teams (2012-2006)
Please see below our tryout schedule. There are two tryouts set for all age groups. For the 2012’s and 2011’s there is a make-up try-out that is also scheduled but that date will only be used, if needed.
We have divided up the age groups across multiple sessions to increase field space. Additionally, this year, like we did last year, we will be splitting up the 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 and 2008 boys age groups into two groups:
Those players that played at a gold level (and above) during the 2023/2024 season (Premier and above for 2008 & 2009 boys)
Those players that played at a silver level (and below) during the 2023/2024 season (Gold and below for the 2008 & 2009 boys)
The reason for this is that we typically get well over 100 players in each of these age groups and there are just too many players on the field at once to properly evaluate everyone.
On the first day of try-outs, we will have everyone attend at the level they played at and then on day two we will make any adjustments from the evaluations that we have done on day one. It will be the same evaluators that will be evaluating all try-outs so we will still be evaluating the age group as a whole.
Please register for AFC tryouts (no cost) at: COMING SOON…
We plan to publish our 2024-2025 coaching slate at the start of May. If you have any additional questions regarding our program please contact our DOC, Andy Hulbert, at doc@associationfc.org.
Tryouts registration scheduling
Master Calendar
Goalkeeper Tryouts
For those players who intend to place on a team as goalkeepers, AFC has one dedicated keeper tryout session. Please prioritize attending this session but also make every effort to attend the other dedicated age group tryouts sessions. This GK-specific tryout session DOES NOT require any additional online registration.
[Goalkeeper Tryouts: 2012 - 2011 - May 10]
2012 Boys - 5:00 - 6:00 pm @ Alden Oliver Sports Park
2011 Boys - 6:00 -7:00 pm @ Alden Oliver Sports Park
2012 Girls - 5:00 -6:00 pm @ Merritt College
2011 Girls - 6.30 - 7.30pm @ Merritt College
Team / Age Group / Level Table By Day:
[Goalkeeper Tryouts: 2010 and older - May 23]
2010-2009 Boys & Girls - 4.30 - 5.30 pm @ Alden Oliver Sports Park
2008-2006 Boys & Girls - 5.30 - 6.30 pm @ Alden Oliver Sports Park–
Field Locations:
Alden E. Oliver Park
Skyline High School
San Lorenzo Community Center Park
Merritt College
AFC Training Philosophy and Summer Camps
To give you some additional information on our program please see our slides from last year’s team meetings:
• Slides: Presentation
Pre-Academy - Google Slides Deck
U13-U19 - Google Slides Deck
• Video: Style of Play Video
Programming during the summer for all AFC teams is offered as part of the season registration. Please consult the schedule to reference times, days and location for your player(s).
Please read the AFC play up policy here.
AFC Pre-Season Information Meeting
Meetings will be hosted both in person and virtually. Please reference the meeting links and times and dates below and add to your family calendar.
AFC Family Orientation Night - Monday 29th April 2024 (Virtual) - Below are the PDF’s and videos of the two presentations from orientation night.
Pre-Academy Meeting:
Slides - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KND1ZzS8TfxPiEqA_TJKMDYW351T4fGZ/view?usp=sharing
Video - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a85_6Ii2t7qU6pQ57OYJvAg6ta1HO9LV/view?usp=sharing
AFC Info Night:
Slides - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a-qQDMdnH0RnxlsuYGVOI6haCbtQIBh5/view?usp=sharing
Video - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_PofL3efEJ_VBr0nu7PoMgS3NxsCDOV1/view?usp=sharing
AFC Team Meetings - For Parents Only (Once teams have been formed)
Meetings will be hosted both in person and virtually (web conference links will be sent out in welcome email).
Thursday May 30th (In Person - Ascension Cathedral, 4700 Lincoln Ave, Oakland, CA 94602 (Richmond Room)
• 2012 Pre-Academy Boys & Girls – 6-7.15pm
• 2012 Boys & Girls – 7.30-8.45pm
Friday May 31st (Virtual)
• 2011-2006 Girls – 6-7.15pm - To be announced closer to May
• 2011-2006 Boys – 7.30-8.45pm - To be announced closer to May
AFC Summer Team Camps
Current tentative 2024 Team Summer Camps schedule can be seen below. More information provided after the conclusion of tryouts.
AFC Additional Resources
There is plenty of great resources to reference now and throughout the season. Please see links below and refer to our Club Documents section for more in depth club family/player related information.